Right at the entrance to Gapésia, Ste-Flavie is well known for its Route des Arts, its restaurants and the most beautiful of sunsets. You will find numerous attractions, less than 30 minutes away: the Reford Gardens, seven golf courses, horseback riding, sea kayaking, bike rentals, tennis, karting, hiking and the St-Barnabé Island, salmon fishing, the Musée de la Mer in Pointe-au-Père, the Ste-Luce beach and sidewalk cafés, the Centre d'Arts Marcel Gagnon with it's world famous statues coming out of the sea... Look ofr seals and discover Parc du Bic and the historical site of the Maison Lamontagne. And of course there is the miniature golf and the playground for the kids.
As a central point of your vacation, Ste-Flavie really gives you the chance to explore the area. Only 25 minutes from downtown Rimouski. You can sop for groceries and all the necessities right in the village and enjoy an unforgettable stay in Gaspésia. The Chalets du Capitaine is definetely a destination you will love!